Building and renovation permits

You often need an environmental permit to build, renovate, demolish, install a dormer window, fell a tree, construct an exit or deviate from the environmental plan.
Every piece of land and building has an environmental plan. These can be viewed online. You can respond to a draft environmental plan.
You want to build or demolish. By completing the risk matrix, check whether you need to submit a construction or demolition safety plan and whether you need to appoint a safety coordinator.
If you are going to (re)build or demolish, you must adhere to the noise regulations. In some cases you need an exemption for noise nuisance.
You are going to use a mobile rubble crusher on a construction or demolition site. You must report this.
You want to carry out construction activities such as building, demolition, insulating, felling or constructing an exit. You must check whether there are plants or animals on the construction site that are protected. You may need to ask permission.
Announcements, soil information, asbestos, apartments, renovation of monuments, construction drawings, demolition, sewer connection
Your building must be fireproof. Check whether you need to report fire-safe use or whether you need a permit.