Volunteer abroad

Volunteering is fun and meaningful. Think of a (language) buddy, drinking a nice coffee, a petition for Amnesty, helping out at the Food Bank, being a hostess at the Film Theater or writing a sweet card for lonely elderly people.

Volunteer work that suits you

Volunteering can be done in so many places and ways. A fixed day or time, once, or a few hours, alone or with a group. There is always something that suits you.

Versa Volunteer Center

The volunteer center is the place where you can find vacancies for volunteer work and where you will find all information about volunteer work in Hilversum. You will receive tips, but also an overview of training and courses.

Other volunteer organizations in Hilversum

Also look around your area

Not all volunteer work is on the volunteer center. Consider, for example, community centers, playgrounds, petting zoos or sports clubs that can often use voluntary help. You can also inquire directly with them.

Ukrainian refugees

Do you have any questions or do you want to offer help to Ukrainian refugees? Look for more information on the Helping Ukrainian Refugees page.


There are various grants, for organizations and for one-off projects. For more information, see the page Welfare and care subsidies.

Volunteer premium

You are on welfare and you do voluntary work through an organisation. Then you may be able to get money from the municipality. This is called volunteer premium. This premium is not deducted from your social assistance benefit. You must meet a few conditions. On the Reward for Volunteering page read which conditions you must meet.


If you live in Hilversum and do voluntary work or are an informal carer, you are automatically insured through the municipality in the event of damage or an accident. There is volunteer insurance. This insurance is free.

Day of the Volunteer

Hilversum would not be Hilversum without the efforts of all volunteers. Together they make fantastic things possible. To thank them, we put all volunteers in the spotlight on the national Day of the Volunteer, on 7 December. All kinds of activities are organized around this day. More information will follow in the fall.