Youth help

As a parent you ensure that your child can develop well and grow up healthy and safe. You do this together with your environment such as family, friends, neighbors and school. The municipality supports with facilities in the neighborhood. For example, there is children and youth work from Versa, parenting support and various courses through Youth and Family and the practice assistant Youth through the GP. If that is not enough, you may be able to get specialized help. This is called youth assistance.

What do you need to know

  • If you have any questions about it raising your child, you can first ask for help from organizations such as Youth and Family, Versa Welfare or the MEE foundation
  • If this help is not enough, youth help can be used
  • Youth care is for children and young people up to the age of 18 ยท The municipality is responsible for youth care. This is regulated in the Youth Law
  • Youth care can be used for (serious) parenting problems, psychological problems, behavioral problems or a mild intellectual disability.
  • The type of help you or your child receives varies greatly from situation to situation. There are different types of youth care, from light supervision to very intensive care
  • The youth consultant will refer you to a youth care provider. You will then receive a referral to the organization that can best help you. You can use the care purchased by the municipality. This care is free

What do you have to do