Financial aid for entrepreneurs

You have your own business, but you no longer earn enough money. Then you may be able to receive financial assistance from the Decree on assistance for the self-employed (Bbz).

What do you need to know

The Bbz is for:

Conditions for existing entrepreneurs

  • You are 18 years or older
  • You will not receive an AOW yet
  • You live in the Netherlands and your company is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK)
  • You work at least 1225 hours per year in your own company. That's about 24 hours a week
  • Your business is viable. That means you make enough money to live on and pay your business bills. We look at the finances of your company over the last 3 years
  • You have all the permits required for the work you do
  • Your net income is less than the social assistance standard that applies to you† Your benefit will be lower if you have adult housemates who are 27 or older. This is called the cost-sharing standard

What do you have to do

  1. Visit whether you might be able to get money from the Bbz
  2. Send an e-mail to independent stating why you need financial help

After your request

You will be notified within 13 weeks.