How does 14 035 work

How to call the municipality and what options can you use.

call 14 035

  • 14 035 is the information number of the municipality of Hilversum
  • You can call 14 035 if you cannot find the answer to your question on our website
  • We are available Monday - Wednesday from 8.30am to 17.00pm. Thursday and Friday from 8.30 am to 13.30 pm
  • There is no area code for 14 035, even if you call mobile


  • You pay the standard local rate
  • Your telecom provider may charge extra if you call mobile. These costs differ per subscription

If you can't reach 14 035

  • Sometimes it is not possible to call 14 035 directly. You get a busy tone or hear nothing at all
  • Via the providers XS4all or Scarlet: Put an asterisk and hash in front of the number (*#14 035). If this does not work, please contact your provider

Calling from abroad or via Skype

Calling from company

  • It happens that company exchanges block numbers that start with a '1', so also 14 035. This can only be solved by the telephone operator or supplier of the exchange
  • With a business mobile phone you may need to enter a '0' or a special code first
  • If the connection fails, use the number 035 629 20 00