Contact and appointment

View the contact details and opening hours of the Municipal Office, Social Square, Town Hall, Citizens' Reading Room, Gooi and Vechtstreek Archives and the registry.
Do you see something that is broken, dirty or causing (noise) nuisance? Or do you notice domestic violence, discrimination or criminal behaviour in your area? Then report it.
You can request many products online. Like a parking permit. You can find this information on the page of the product itself. You can also make an appointment online at the Municipal Office or call 14 035. Making an appointment is free. You report to the white pole in front of the reception.
To make an appointment, call 14 035. For example, for benefits, household help or help with debts. Making an appointment is free. If you are already a client of ours, call your regular consultant.
If you are a (starting) entrepreneur, our relationship managers are ready to help you. They are happy to think along with you and answer your questions.
You can follow us on various social media channels. We are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30:17.00 and XNUMX:XNUMX.
You can send an e-mail, contact a councilor or leave a comment at a committee meeting. You can reach the municipal council via the registry of the municipality of Hilversum.
Gooi en Vechtstreek Archives manages the archives from the past of the municipalities of Hilversum, Blaricum, Laren, Wijdemeren and the regional authorities.