Board and committee meetings are usually open to the public. Except when there is secrecy. You are welcome in Hilversum Town Hall. You can watch the meetings from the council chamber via the online live stream. You can see where and when the meetings are in the meeting agenda. You can also view the documents that are on the agenda.
Meeting agenda
- You can see where and when the meetings are in the meeting agenda
- You can also view the documents that are on the agenda
View the agenda and meeting documents
Council meetings
- You can always walk in at a council meeting. You do not have to report this in advance
- You can sit in the public gallery of the council chamber in the town hall
- You don't have to stay at the meeting all night
- Sometimes a (part of a) meeting is closed
- You can view the meeting documents and agenda online
- Calendars are also posted in De Gooi and Eembode on the Raadhuis-aan-huis pages
Follow the meetings via our video stream. Meetings usually start at 20.00:XNUMX PM.
- You can always walk in on a committee. You do not have to report this in advance
- The committee meetings are held in Hilversum Town Hall
- Often there are 2 committees at the same time. You can see where and when the committees are in the meeting agenda
- You can view the meeting documents and agenda online. There is a time schedule on the agenda
- You don't have to stay at the meeting all night
- You can watch committee meetings that are in the council chamber online via the live stream
- An audio file of these meetings will be created within a week hilversum.