Children's Municipal Council

The children's municipal council consists of 16 Hilversum children from group 8. Together they are committed to making Hilversum a better city and are working on a plan that will actually be implemented at the end of the school year. Schools and children can register for this.
Group photo children's municipal council 2024 2025

Children's Municipal Council 2024-2025

This school year, the children's municipal council consists of: Shreyas Jasti, Serina Selhi, Luca Kleintjens, Amber van Wonderen, Aslihan Sezer, Wessel Hessing, Annabel Horsthuis, Lamees el Bouiadi, Isabel de Kam, Julius Vos, Yindee Fernandes (children's mayor), Jade Verschoof, Fiene Kolkman, Naoufal el Madyouni, Ties Weber and Hugo Akhirebhu (not in the photo).

This is what the children's council does

The children's council meets approximately five times a year on Wednesday afternoons. Together they learn in a playful way how democracy works by working on a plan that is actually implemented. The children's council is appointed for the period of 1 school year from October 2024 to July 2025. The children's municipal council receives its own budget of €8000, = to spend on a plan that they have devised and selected themselves.

Children's council poll

Not all children who register can join the children's council. Because the opinion of all children is very important, there is the children's council poll. At least once (and a maximum of 1 times) per year, children from Hilversum - who have registered for this, can give their opinion on a question or statement that the children's council deals with. Schools can also register for this and discuss these issues in class. 

Selection procedure children's council

The municipality of Hilversum will review all entries. From these entries, the municipality will select 16 children for the 2024/2025 children's council. The following will be assessed:

  • Motivation
  • It is also taken into account that the children in the children's council come from the different neighborhoods of Hilversum 

To become a Children's Mayor, a separate selection procedure follows among these 16 children. 

Only the children selected for the 2024/2025 Children's Council can register for the position of Children's Mayor. 

The Children's Mayor 

Yindee Fernandes, Children's Mayor 2024-2025

Photo: Yindee Fernandes, Children's Mayor 2024-2025

The Children's Mayor is the face of all children in Hilversum. For a school year, the Children's Mayor helps with ceremonial tasks of the mayor. For example, during the arrival of Sinterklaas, the lighting of children's fireworks and May 4. The Children's Mayor is also present at events that are important to children and the national day for children's mayors. 

Selection procedure for Children's Mayor

The selection procedure for the Children's Mayor consists of two rounds:

  • First round: a professional jury selects five children's council members who will proceed to the second round
  • The 2024/2025 Children's Council will choose a Children's Mayor from the five selected council members 

Email the children's mayor

Children who would like to bring something to the attention of the children's mayor can email:


Thanks to the children's council, the plans below were devised and implemented. 

  • 2024: Two interactive play equipment playground (next to the Hertenkamp petting zoo)
  • 2023: Guest lessons in the classroom for all Hilversum primary schools
  • 2022: A barefoot path
  • 2020: Your own work of art, which symbolizes 75 years of freedom
  • 2018: Insect hotels built and hung in Kerkelanden
  • 2017: A campaign to quickly and easily report unsafe traffic situations